✨While you are getting excited that you got your first pair of contact lenses in your life, are you also struggling with how to put them in your eyes, how to take care of the lenses, how long I can wear them, etc.?
Contact lenses do bring a lot of convenience to our lives, which is why millions of other people around the world have ditched their glasses in favor of contacts. After all, contact lenses are high-tech medical devices and your vision is one of your most valued senses. As such, it's important to make good choices for the health and comfort of your eyes. 👀
Here are some tips designed to put you on the path to a lifetime of success with your new contact lenses.🎈

- Wash hands (but don’t use soaps that have added oils or fragrances as they can stick to the surface of the lens)
- Gently shake the lens storage case to loosen the contact lens if it is sticking to the container. Carefully slide the lens into your hand. Use your fingertips (not your nails) to handle the lens.
- Fully rinse the lens with contact lens solution. Do not use tap water to rinse the lens.
- Place the contact lens on the tip of your pointer (index) or the middle finger of your dominant hand (the hand you write with). Look closely at the lens to check for torn or damaged areas. Also, make sure the lens is right-side-out. If the lens forms a bowl and the edges turn up, it is ready to be placed on the eye. If the lens looks like a lid (edges turn out), it needs to be reversed.

- Hold your upper eyelid open with your other (non-dominant) hand while looking in the mirror. Hold down your lower eyelid with the middle or ring finger of the dominant hand (whichever finger is not holding the contact lens). Or, you may also use the thumb and fingers of your non-dominant hand to open your upper and lower eyelids very wide instead.
- Place the lens on your eye. You can look in front of you or up toward the ceiling while putting the lens in.
- Close your eyes slowly and roll them in a full circle to help settle the lens properly in place. You may also gently massage your closed eyelid. Then open your eyes and gently blink a few times. Look in a mirror to see if the lens is centered on your eye.
- If the lens is inserted and centered correctly, your eye should feel comfortable and your vision should be clear. If you feel discomfort or your vision is blurry, you’ll need to take out and reinsert the lens.

(Very Important)
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid using a heavily scented soap, as this may irritate your eyes. Do not apply any lotion or other substances to your hands before inserting your lenses.
- Dry your hands with a clean, lint-free cloth or paper towel. Use a freshly washed hand towel or clean paper towel to dry your hands. This can help prevent any debris or bacteria from entering your eye.
- Place a clean hand towel beneath your eye to catch the contact lens if it drops. Since most people remove contact lenses over the sink, you risk losing the contact lens if it falls out before you can catch it. Placing a towel beneath your face can help catch the lens when it drops.
- With your non-dominant hand, hold open the lower and upper eyelid of your eye. It’s not necessary to use your non-dominant hand to hold your eye open. However, it makes it easier to keep your dominant hand free for removing the lens.
- Use the index finger and thumb of your dominant hand to gently pinch the contact lens. Pinch on either side of the contact lens very gently to pull the lens away from your eye. You can also choose to use the tweezers in the contact lens case to remove your contact lenses. Make sure not to pinch your eye directly.
- Sticking to instructions from your eye care professional or the manufacturer, clean the lenses after removing them if they’re not daily-wear contacts. Use only recommended cleaning solutions; don’t use homemade solutions.
- Put the contacts in a storage case, immersing them in solution, or toss them out if you use daily-wear lenses.

💖Proper care of your contacts can help maintain healthy eyes and can prolong the life of your contacts.
- Clean your contact lenses every time you remove them. first, wash your hands and dry them out. Second, use a few drops of the recommended solution, and rub the lens in the palm of your hand. This will clean off any debris or protein buildup. Then, to get off any loosened debris, rinse the contacts with solution taking as long as the package directs. Finally, use a fresh solution to store. Never use your old solution from the day before. This solution will not properly disinfect your contact lenses and can cause infections.
- Clean your contact-lens storage case in warm soapy water at least once a week. Rinse it thoroughly and wipe it dry using a clean tissue. Replace your contact lens storage case at least every three months, or as recommended by your eye care professional.

- Don’t wear contacts when your eyes are in a bad condition.
- Remember to blink. Regular blinking helps keep your lenses clean and moist.
- Put rewetting drops in your eyes as recommended by your eye care professional to prevent your eyes and contacts from drying out.
- Get rid of contact-lens solution one month after you’ve opened it, even if there’s some solution left.
- Use the only sterile saline solution for rinsing, but don’t use it for cleaning and disinfecting your contacts. Rewetting drops also shouldn’t be used as a disinfectant. Never reuse contact lens solution.
- If you have long nails, then please try to use a lens applicator and tweezers to put on and remove the lenses to prevent accidentally scratching your eyes or damaging your contacts while putting the lenses in or taking them out.
- Be sure you’ve got an up-to-date pair of backup glasses or contact lenses in case something happens to the contacts you’re wearing.
- Don’t wear your contacts while sleeping unless your eye care professional says it’s OK. Avoid swimming or showering while wearing contacts unless, in the case of swimming, you’re wearing goggles. Exposing your eyes to water when your contacts are in can cause eye infections.
- Don’t use tap water to soak or rinse your lenses. This might lead to an eye infection.
If you have any lens care problem, please feel free to dm us through social media or email [email protected].